Poster Analysis

This poster includes many things such as colors and typography. The first thing I see is is the fist which have been placed as an image. This was the first thing that had caught my eye as the size of it was large at the bottom. This represent all races and to show that everyone should be treated equally no matter how they look or the way they were raised, we are all one species. I also see a hierarchy between the fist as you can see above the highest fist which is shown is the black fist. This poster is trying to create a message that black people have control over the society as well as the white fist. However the grey fist could be any other race such as Asian and more. This shows that the country is surrounded by majority of black and white people who hold the most power whereas the other races are not as popular as well as holding demands.

We can also see in this poster that the heading mentions the term ‘Human Right’ inside of it. This is useful to the audience as they do not need to use their initiative and read what the poster is about, They have information clearly written in front of them so they know the situation and dilemma of the campaign. This text is written in bold writing which is useful for different ages across all audience. Elder people are unable to read clearly due to eyesight, this poster has been created for everyone’s uses so the creator had made it big and wide for all age groups to be able to read and interpret the problem with society.

This poster may also suggest that the fist in the air could show the country uniting as one no matter with religion, race, or gender everyone is seen as equality The tone of the different colors represent this and I believe as an audience, the creator or founder of this poster has made a clear message of what is being said with pictures and a few words spoken.

This poster seems very basic but also has a meaningful impact towards young people lives as well as their mentality. This poster includes an event which takes place and is an event which is about human rights. This gives a clear message of whats it is about. Also it is an event that many people across all races will stand as one and show a mixture of colors in our society. The good thing about this poster as well is that it shows a date to when the event will take place but does not state where. A professional campaign must include otherwise their target audience would be confused.

The typography shown is quite rare to be seen in a poster campaign. What I mean by this in terms of moods and setting the tone, the typography seems like a kids theme of text used and does not seem to show a serious situation. Instead what the creator could have done is to get a bold piece of text and make it loud and clear that human rights is a massive topic to be spoken about in this society. Many things like attacks towards different countries are being seen too much. Approximately 45% of people have been killed or injured for being the specific race, religion or gender that they are.

In terms of colors being used, the poster itself seems basic but allows a message to be shown. Although the poster has got some really important uses of shapes and images placed inside of. The poster is mainly blue and white and shows a fade of opacity between the effect of the fist and the spiky shape behind the layer of the fist demonstrate a visual that us as humans can be a powerful weapon towards the society if we unite as one and stick together.

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